miniRaman spectrometer was installed in the Institute of Physics, National Academy of Science of Ukraine, Department of Physics of biological systems.Head of this department is Galina DovbeshkoShe has very good feedback for our miniRaman spectrometer.Hope, we will...
We are proud to demonstrate unique opportunities of our research grade polarized Raman microscope capable to collect 20 polarized Raman map acquired at different incident laser polarizations and analyzer orientations simultaneously! Please contact us if you are...
Lightnovo team are happy to announce – We became gold sponsor for ICAVS 2021. 11th International Conference on Advanced Vibrational Spectroscopy will be held online from 23rd to 26th August 2021, due to pandemic situation. Preliminary program will consists with these...
We are proudly presents our sponsorship of The International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy. Next conference will be located at Long Beach California in August 14-19, 2022. ICORS plays great role in raman spectroscopy community since 1969. There will be covered...
We proudly presents our second site design for lightnovo web site. Development takes almost 4 months and it still in progress. If you have any proposals or ideas, please write us on...
We are proud to announce our recently develop world-smallest confocal Raman microscope – miniRaman MRm. miniRaman specifications: Lasers 785nm (power range between 18 to 176mW on a sample) 660nm (power range between 1 to 32mW on a sample)Spectral range...
miniRaman MRs has been sold for ex-vivo chemical analysis of biological samples and SERS detection. Lightnovo recently sold miniRaman MRs with vertical positioning stage for research institution. It will be used for ex-vivo chemical analysis of biological samples and...
We are proud to annonce that Lightnovo received an Innobooster grant from Innovation Fund Denmark for the developemnt of qRICO technology (Project budget is 2.922.750...